Get Involved
Clayton welcomes all parents to help us build a positive environment for their children and families through leadership opportunities in our early learning community. It’s a great way to extend children’s learning beyond the classroom, ensure they have the support needed to develop to their full potential, and establish a family norm that values education at every level.

Policy Council
Policy Council is a parent-driven board responsible to oversee the direction of Clayton’s Early Head Start, Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership, and Head Start programs. Each year, elected representatives provide governance to lead the school as well as home-based and community-based early childhood programs. This group meets on the first Thursday of every month.
Parent Committee
Every Clayton-enrolled family is already a member of this group that partners with parents to plan and host special parent-driven events throughout the year. During meetings, Clayton families have an opportunity to build connections with each other while taking an active role in shaping their children’s education.
Fathers Building Futures
Fathers Building Futures partners with fathers, father figures, and Clayton staff to encourage and support male engagement at school. Members volunteer in local community events to increase visibility, fundraise with local and national donors, coordinate events that promote the value of fatherhood and share their experiences as fathers with other men.
Family Ambassadors
The Clayton Family Ambassador Program highlights the importance of parent leadership with opportunities to practice advocacy in state and federal policy. Head Start and Early Head Start parents and staff members participate in specialized training with community partners, network with professionals, and learn the skills needed to become changemakers within their community. Based on our belief that the most influential catalysts for change are those who are directly affected by policy decisions, this unique program empowers parent and early childhood workforce representatives to communicate effectively with lawmakers, adding an authentic perspective to conversations that impact children and families in Colorado. Each year, we recruit our new cohort of Ambassadors at the start of the school year in September and welcome alumni to continue to participate!