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Training and Services

ECERS-3™, ITERS-3™, and FCCERS-3™ Overview (ages 0-5)

Preparing for a Colorado Shines Rating and seeking an overview of the scale? Working with multiple age groups and need to understand ways you can support children? In this three-hour overview of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale / Infant-Toddler Environment Rating Scale / Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, we discuss best practices related to the protection of children’s health and safety, supporting, and guiding social/emotional development, and opportunities for intellectual and language stimulation and learning activities. Participants will also learn about the ECERS-3/ITERS-3/FCCERS-3 subscales, the rationale for the requirements of the scale, and receive suggestions on how to meet the scale’s criteria. Participants engage in hands-on activities and will learn about the scoring process. 
